Videos for patient education
How to use your asthma inhaler and nebulizer
How to use a spacer
How to use a nose spray
Saline sinus rinse
How to use an EpiPen
Food allergy
What to expect when visiting an allergy clinic
Current allergy skin tests are virtually painless. This video by Dr. Bassett, a board-certified allergist from New York City, shows what to expect when visiting an allergy clinic for diagnosis and treatment:
Printouts/handouts for patient education
Action plans: asthma, food allergy, rhinitis, anaphylaxis
Diagrams for Patient Education
Allergic Conditions A to Z and The Virtual Allergist by AAAAI
Food allergy handouts by The Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Network (FAAN)
Food Allergy: An Overview for Patients by NIH (PDF)
Guide to Parenting a Child with Food Allergies by KFA (PDF)
Allergy tips
Allergic Reactions
Hives (urticaria) and angioedema
Eczema or atopic dermatitis
Contact dermatitis
Allergic Skin Conditions
Allergic shiners, Dennie's lines, Allergic salute, Nasal crease, Postnasal drip
Allergy Shots (Immunoterapy)
Allergy Testing
Asthma and Allergy Medications
Asthma and Exercise
Asthma, Allergies and Pregnancy
Asthma Triggers and Management
Childhood Asthma
Cough in Children
Food Allergy Information from ACAAI
Food Allergy
Indoor Allergens
Inhaled Asthma Medications
Latex Allergy
Medications and Drug Allergic Reactions
Medications and Older Adults
Occupational Asthma
Outdoor Allergens
Peak Flow Meter
Prevention of Allergies and Asthma in Children
Stinging Insect Allergy
Traveling with Allergies and Asthma
Additional resources
Ashtma Stepwise Therapy in Children (figures). Expert Panel Report 3.
Asthma Control Test (ACT) - web-based version, PDFs
Asthma Action Plan (PDF) and wallet card (PDF) by NHLBI
Asthma Management Guide (for providers) (PDF)
My EIB Journal from ACAAI - exercise-induced bronchoconstriction (EIB)
Rhinosinusitis: Saline sinus rinse recipe, AAAAI
Kids Connection, Books and Toys from Immune Deficiency Foundation (IDF)
Anaphylaxis Checklist, ACAAI
Checklist for Sneeze-Free and Wheeze-Free Home, ACAAI
Patient Education - Advice from Your Allergist by ACAAI
WebMD Allergy Guide
Food allergy and anaphylaxis training - free at AllergyReady.com
Coupons for Allergy and Asthma Medications
Useful Products for Selected Patients with Allergy and Asthma
Patient Handouts - FromYourDoctor.com
Patient Handout Search Engine
Coloring books
Are you food allergy aware - Ana & Phil Axis (PDF)
Dusty The Asthma Goldfish and His Asthma Triggers Coloring Book, by EPA (PDF)
Doctor Al and the Sneeze 'n Wheeze Busters Coloring Book - AAAAI (PDF)
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Published: 12/11/2008
Updated: 04/12/2013
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