
Question of the month: How to administer the flu vaccine to a patient allergic to eggs?

Option 1: For the patient who is six months of age or older and has known egg allergy of any severity, except severe anaphylaxis, administer under observation by an allergist a vaccine that contains ≤1 mcg ovalbumin per 0.5 mL as a single dose without prior vaccine skin testing.

Option 2: If a vaccine that contains ≤1 mcg ovalbumin per 0.5 mL dose is not available, or if the history of anaphylaxis was severe, administer the vaccine under observation by an allergist by a two-step protocol without prior vaccine skin testing (10% of the dose, observe for 30 minutes, then administer the remaining 90% of the dose, then observe for 30 minutes). Click here for references and more info.